Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sapphire as a Choice for a Wedding Ring

The sapphire has become so popular as an alternate for a wedding ring. It has wonderful durability and stunning coloration for everyday wear. Antique examples like this one that I just posted to the online catalog are especially alluring.  The intricate handmade settings offer antique style that one just does not see in rings today.  Sapphires come in a range of natural colors, but it seems that blue is the most popular choice for wedding ring selections.  Blue sapphires range from midnight blue (almost black) to light ceylon blue selections.  Like diamonds, sapphires have clarity factors that affect the overall appearance of the gemstone.  The fewer the inclusions, the clearer the stone and the more valuable they become.  Because they are so durable, one does not have to worry about wearing them daily.    This example seen on the left is a gorgeous ceylon blue sapphire set in an Art Deco Era yellow gold filigree setting.  You can find more details about this ring at .  Photo:  Antique Sapphire Wedding Ring, exclusively at , $1,250.